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  • 为什么有孕妇的家庭更关注室内甲醛?
  • 本站编辑:杭州勤谦环保科技有限公司发布日期:2018-07-17 14:23 浏览次数:


At the early stage of pregnancy, the development of fertilized eggs begins to be disturbed and interfered by external factors, which may lead to abortion and embryo development.
On the other hand, in order to adapt to the growth of the embryo, the body of the pregnant woman can breathe more than its own needs, and the small molecular contaminants such as formaldehyde are more likely to enter the blood with breathing. In addition to the damage to the immune system and the viscera of pregnant women, it also directly affects the health of the fetus, resulting in abortion, fetal malformation, congenital leukemia, and new disease. Serious consequences such as abnormal chromosomal abnormalities.
还有就是孕妇在怀孕期间(肝肾代谢解毒能力已超负荷工作),休息不好自身免疫力降低,加上活动少,都在室内,甲醛等污染物对其侵害的时间比较长,对身体影响更严重。 美国流行病学专业人士贝亚特﹒里茨称:“女性妊娠期间,特别是怀孕的第二个月,在含有污染物的环境里呆的时间越多,她所生育的孩子患上严重的先天心脏疾病的可能性就越大”。
There are pregnant women during pregnancy (liver and kidney metabolism detoxification capacity has been overloaded work), rest is not good immunity, combined with less activity, in the indoor, formaldehyde and other pollutants for its long time, more serious impact on the body. Beat Rich, an American epidemiologist, said: "the more time a woman is pregnant, especially in the second month of pregnancy, the more likely the child to have a serious congenital heart disease."
The study also found that pregnant women living in a heavily polluted environment were 3 times more likely to suffer from heart disease than pregnant women who breathe fresh air. People often say that "mother love is great", in the formaldehyde and other indoor air pollution problems constantly occur today, we must fully understand, scientific control of formaldehyde and other indoor air pollution problems.

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